If you have been to the user group meetings the last couple of months, you have heard me mention that Kansas City will be having a SharePoint Saturday on October 1, 2016. This is a great opportunity to get some free SharePoint training. All it takes is for you to make a short road-trip down to Overland Park, KS! They sent out a flyer, which I am posting here. Feel free to download the PDF and post it around your workplace. If you feel up to speaking, they are still looking for more speakers! This would be a great warm-up to speaking at one of our user group meetings!
I will be presenting on two sessions. Hacking SharePoint and Creating Single-Page-Applications in SharePoint using ReactJS and REST.
Hope to see you there!
Flyer: SPSKC Flyer
Registration: http://www.spsevents.org/city/KC/KC2016/home